Friday, December 19, 2008


Boyfriend(he's deliciously dry and witful as well...sadly his wit often mangles in the form of puns...and i have a VERY low corniness factor. ach, well...puns are still preferable to limericks, yes?), on defending his various Bromances:..."It's a Bromance, not a GayShip." Pretty sure he just coined that word...being basically gay my whole life,(yes, that includes first grade...i had a huge crush on this hot Brazilian girl that was a couple of grades ahead of me...she used to graffiti "i heart skaters" in the stalls of the girls bathroom. what the hell were either of us doing in Catholic school?) and spending plenty of time in the Gayborhood, I think i would've heard that one before if it was in use (especially being surrounded constantly by people who refuse to use the word "straight", even in reference to directions whilst driving. What do they say instead??-"Gayly forward!!!"). So, in case you havent figured it out-Gayship is a gay-ass friendship. Which my boyfriend, sadly does not seem to be interested in, no matter how much i encourage him. Guess I'll have to settle for Gayship's less well-dressed and erotically arousing little brother, the Bromance. Sigh.

Friday, December 12, 2008


aren't like girlfriends.
This whole sexual orientation/gender-identity continuum has gotten to a point with me where I'm intrigued, curious, could analyze it to the nth degree...and I'm also SO FUCKING BORED. After living in politicized, activist cities along the West Coast, where the Oppression Olympics (aka My Victim Status is Better Then Yours) reigns supreme and people (at least in the various subgroups I've been a part of) define themselves based on their labels, kinks, ability to get scholarships based on their membership to various and sundry oppressed groups...New York, where gay men reign supreme in the industries I'm involved in, lesbians are invisible, and people sniff ass status-wise like dogs in the dog park and then rearrange their behavior and social circles around whatever spot they find themselves in the hierarchy and what their ultimate status goals are...and now being stuck in the largest city in the middle of the country that could more accurately be called the nation's most urbanized suburb, with a huge gay population that has tastes and attitudes that are just as if not more so mundane, banal, unexamined and unpoliticized as the mainstream het population that it makes me want to hop on the first multi-gendered SM-positive GLBTQ ad nauseum performance art bandwagon outta here and hightail it back to San Francisco...oddly enough, bandwagons dont tend to stop here from either coast. do i blame it on the altitude?
point being...spending the first half of my dating life interested and attracted to women exclusively, and now finding myself long-disgusted with the lesbian "community"-thats a whole 'nother blog...but still attracted to and loving women...and newly attracted to men and in love with one specific man who is more comfortable and in tune with his femininity than most of the dykes I've met, and masculine in (mostly) all of the best ways...coming to a point beyond labels, including bisexuality. I was thinking about it the other night (whilst drinking a lovely glass of semillon, surrounded by stacks of library books) and realized that the closest definition that fits is that i'm a bi-curious high femme tomboy dyke who is in love with a man and in a heterosexual relationship. Yay for me. And that's enough labeling for me. Ive got bigger concerns, like-bangs, or no bangs? Keep those scissors away from me! The connection between major life changes, late night wine drinking, and homejob haircuts is well-documented and hardly something i should indulge in this evening...yes? ta!

Friday, December 5, 2008

best jewel heist. ever.

One of my (many) personal mottos is: if yer gonna do anything, do it in style. Which brings us directly to today's inspirational story- in Paris, three or four gunmen held up a Harry Winston's and made off with one of the largest caches of jewels in history. IN DRAG. I have so many questions. The first one, obviously, is-was it good drag, or bad drag? Good drag is an homage to femininity, gorgeous camp, an expression of good taste in a gender-bending package-RuPaul is an obvious example. Bad drag is Mrs. Doubtfire, anything Tyler Perry has been in, and the entire Denver drag queen scene. In the middle we have everything from the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs (love the androgyny...not sure about the ratty little dog and human-skin fashion line), the boys of the Glam era,which run the gamut from absolutely delicious to a glittery train wreck, and JT Leroy. Kind of.
Enquiring minds need to know!!!