Friday, December 19, 2008


Boyfriend(he's deliciously dry and witful as well...sadly his wit often mangles in the form of puns...and i have a VERY low corniness factor. ach, well...puns are still preferable to limericks, yes?), on defending his various Bromances:..."It's a Bromance, not a GayShip." Pretty sure he just coined that word...being basically gay my whole life,(yes, that includes first grade...i had a huge crush on this hot Brazilian girl that was a couple of grades ahead of me...she used to graffiti "i heart skaters" in the stalls of the girls bathroom. what the hell were either of us doing in Catholic school?) and spending plenty of time in the Gayborhood, I think i would've heard that one before if it was in use (especially being surrounded constantly by people who refuse to use the word "straight", even in reference to directions whilst driving. What do they say instead??-"Gayly forward!!!"). So, in case you havent figured it out-Gayship is a gay-ass friendship. Which my boyfriend, sadly does not seem to be interested in, no matter how much i encourage him. Guess I'll have to settle for Gayship's less well-dressed and erotically arousing little brother, the Bromance. Sigh.

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